Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why restore is taking longer than back and what is going on with restore?

As a DBA there are numerous times when we restore databases. While doing so I have asked these questions to myself several times. Here I will try to answer them as best as I can

So why my database backup takes 1 hour and restore takes 8 hours?

There are multiple reasons for this

  1. Let’s say I am backing up a database with total size 500 GB but actual data is 100 GB (With 400 GB allocated space available). Backup will have to be only for 100 GB. However while restoring entire 500 GB database has to be rebuilt so restore time is much more than backup time.
  2. Other reason could be that you are not using “Instant File Initialization” in which deleted data on the disk is replaced by zeros while data and log files are being created. So if your data file total size is 500 GB with 100 GB actual data then after writing 100 GB data all other bytes will be filled with zeros (instant file Initialization not enabled). This will add significant time to restore.

Now to the second question; what is going on with restore?

Usually you can specify STATS while restoring and restore command will output the status every N %

E.g: Here I am restoring TestDB with STATS set to 10 (every 10% display message)


Here is what you will see in message tab of SSMS

10 percent processed.
20 percent processed.
30 percent processed.
40 percent processed.
50 percent processed.
60 percent processed.
70 percent processed.
80 percent processed.
90 percent processed.
100 percent processed.
Processed 292888 pages for database 'TestDB', file 'TestDB' on file 1.
Processed 6 pages for database 'TestDB', file 'TestDB_log' on file 1.
RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 292894 pages in 23.265 seconds (98.355 MB/sec).

Along with this there are entries logged in SQL error log which also tell you what is happening while restore is going on (Run sp_readerrorlog to read the SQL Error logs)

2012-04-24 13:44:51.190 spid64       Starting up database 'TestDB'.
2012-04-24 13:44:51.230 spid64       The database 'TestDB' is marked RESTORING and is in a state that does not allow recovery to be run.
2012-04-24 13:44:51.640 spid64       Starting up database 'TestDB'.
2012-04-24 13:44:52.150 Backup       Restore is complete on database 'TestDB'.  The database is now available.
2012-04-24 13:44:52.160 Backup       Database was restored: Database: TestDB, creation date(time): 2012/04/24(13:27:09), first LSN: 1417:196:183, last LSN: 1417:289:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'D:\TestDB\TestDB_BK.bak'}). Informational message. No us

But this does not tell you much about exactly what is going on while restoring

So there are some undocumented trace flags which can be used to find out exact status of restore.

Trace flag 3004: This flag turns on information regarding instant file initialization. Enabling this trace flag will not make this information available to view.

Trace flag 3605: This flag will send some DBCC output to the error log. This trace flag needs to be enabled to see the instant file initialization information made available by trace flag 3004.

Now let’s restore with these 2 trace flags turned on

DBCC TRACEON(3004, 3605,-1)


10 percent processed.
20 percent processed.
30 percent processed.
40 percent processed.
50 percent processed.
60 percent processed.
70 percent processed.
80 percent processed.
90 percent processed.
100 percent processed.
Processed 292888 pages for database 'TestDB', file 'TestDB' on file 1.
Processed 6 pages for database 'TestDB', file 'TestDB_log' on file 1.
RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 292894 pages in 23.265 seconds (98.355 MB/sec).

From SQL Serve error log you can see there are lot of other messages logged related to the restore which are quite helpful.

2012-04-24 13:45:25.240 spid64       RestoreDatabase: Database TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:25.240 spid64       Opening backup set
2012-04-24 13:45:25.260 spid64       Restore: Configuration section loaded
2012-04-24 13:45:25.260 spid64       Restore: Backup set is open
2012-04-24 13:45:25.260 spid64       Restore: Planning begins
2012-04-24 13:45:25.270 spid64       Halting FullText crawls on database TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:25.270 spid64       Dismounting FullText catalogs
2012-04-24 13:45:25.270 spid64       X-locking database: TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:25.270 spid64       Restore: Planning complete
2012-04-24 13:45:25.270 spid64       Restore: BeginRestore (offline) on TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:25.300 spid64       Restore: PreparingContainers
2012-04-24 13:45:25.310 spid64       Restore: Containers are ready
2012-04-24 13:45:25.310 spid64       Zeroing E:\TransactionLogs\TestDB_log.ldf from page 1 to 128 (0x2000 to 0x100000)
2012-04-24 13:45:25.310 spid64       Zeroing completed on E:\TransactionLogs\TestDB_log.ldf
2012-04-24 13:45:25.310 spid64       Restore: Restoring backup set
2012-04-24 13:45:25.310 spid64       Restore: Transferring data to TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:48.420 spid64       Restore: Waiting for log zero on TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:48.430 spid64       Restore: LogZero complete
2012-04-24 13:45:48.580 spid64       FileHandleCache: 0 files opened. CacheSize: 12
2012-04-24 13:45:48.580 spid64       Restore: Data transfer complete on TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:48.590 spid64       Restore: Backup set restored
2012-04-24 13:45:48.590 spid64       Starting up database 'TestDB'.
2012-04-24 13:45:48.640 spid64       The database 'TestDB' is marked RESTORING and is in a state that does not allow recovery to be run.
2012-04-24 13:45:48.650 spid64       Restore-Redo begins on database TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:49.140 spid64       Rollforward complete on database TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:49.150 spid64       Restore: Done with fixups
2012-04-24 13:45:49.160 spid64       Restore: Transitioning database to ONLINE
2012-04-24 13:45:49.170 spid64       Restore: Restarting database for ONLINE
2012-04-24 13:45:49.200 spid64       Starting up database 'TestDB'.
2012-04-24 13:45:49.310 spid64       FixupLogTail(progress) zeroing E:\TransactionLogs\TestDB_log.ldf from 0xa2200 to 0xa4000.
2012-04-24 13:45:49.310 spid64       Zeroing E:\TransactionLogs\TestDB_log.ldf from page 82 to 94 (0xa4000 to 0xbc000)
2012-04-24 13:45:49.310 spid64       Zeroing completed on E:\TransactionLogs\TestDB_log.ldf
2012-04-24 13:45:49.420 spid64       PostRestoreContainerFixups: running fixups on TestDB
2012-04-24 13:45:49.440 spid64       PostRestoreContainerFixups: fixups complete
2012-04-24 13:45:49.450 spid64       PostRestoreReplicationFixup for TestDB starts
2012-04-24 13:45:49.640 spid64       PostRestoreReplicationFixup for TestDB complete
2012-04-24 13:45:49.640 spid64       Restore: Database is restarted
2012-04-24 13:45:49.640 Backup       Restore is complete on database 'TestDB'.  The database is now available.
2012-04-24 13:45:49.640 spid64       Resuming any halted fulltext crawls
2012-04-24 13:45:49.650 spid64       Restore: Writing history records
2012-04-24 13:45:49.650 Backup       Database was restored: Database: TestDB, creation date(time): 2012/04/24(13:27:09), first LSN: 1417:196:183, last LSN: 1417:289:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {'D:\TestDB\TestDB_BK.bak'}). Informational message. No us
2012-04-24 13:45:49.650 spid64       Writing backup history records
2012-04-24 13:45:49.670 spid64       Restore: Done with MSDB maintenance
2012-04-24 13:45:49.670 spid64       RestoreDatabase: Finished

Here are some of the other undocumented (or less documented) trace flag which come handy while checking backup & restore detailed status
Trace flag 3014: Also provides detailed information on steps during backup and restore.  
Trace Flag 3604: Sends DBCC output to screen instead of error log

Caution: These trace flags should be used only by professional DBAs since there are side effects of using undocumented trace flags

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